OUR steering committee
 Center for Community Alternatives
Release Aging People in Prison
New Hour for Women and Children - LI
New York Civil Liberties Union
Bronx Defenders
Legal Aid Society
New York Communities for Change
Drug Policy Alliance
Citizen Action of New York
Partnership for the Public Good
The Sentencing Project
Voice Buffalo
Hudson Link for Higher Education
OUR partners
New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NYSACDL)
New York State Laborers
New York State Nurses Association
Newburgh LGBTQAI+ Center
OGs Against Gun Violence
Office of the Appellate Defender
Partnership for the Public Good
Pillars of Promise
Prisoners Are People Too
Professional Staff Congress
Queens Defenders
REJI Organizing Coalition
Release Aging People in Prison
Rise And Resist NYC
Rise Up Kingston
Rochester Decarceration Research Initiative
S.T.O.P. - The Surveillance Technology Oversight Project
S.T.R.O.N.G. Youth, Inc.
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) NYC
Survivors Justice Project
Sylvia’s House
T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
The Correctional Association of New York
The Gathering for Justice
The Peacekeepers
The Sentencing Project
Troy for Black Lives
Turning Points Resource Center
UAW Local 2325 - Association of Legal Aid Attorneys
United Christian Leadership Ministry
United Federation of Teachers
United Voices of Cortland
Uptown Progressive Action
VOICE Buffalo
WESPAC Foundation, Inc.
Wayne County Public Defender
We Got Us Now
Westchester for Change
Women & Justice Project
Women's Community Justice Association
Workers United New York New Jersey Regional Joint Board a/w SEIU
Working Families Party - New York
Youth Anti-Prison Project
Youth Represent

Join the Communities Not Cages Coalition.

Communities Not Cages is a statewide campaign building the power of people and families impacted by mass incarceration to overhaul New York’s racist and draconian sentencing laws.